The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has updated the Statement of Organization (Form 410) to accommodate new requirements to include the names of those authorized to obtain the bank records and email addresses of the committee's treasurer, assistant treasurer, and principal officer(s).

Please note that if you are subject to electronic filing of your campaign forms, these PDF forms do not satisfy the electronic filing requirement.

They can only be used to submit paper filings by typing in the appropriate fields and then printing the completed forms on your own printer. These filings cannot be saved to disk, but just filled out and printed. Once printed they can be signed and submitted as valid paper copies to your appropriate filing officers.

Information regarding electronic filing requirements can be found on our Electronic Filing Information page or our FAQs concerning electronic filing.

Campaign Forms

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) maintains the following comprehensive list of every FPPC form with brief explanations of who must file the form: FPPC Forms List

400 401 402 409 410 425 450 460 461
462 470 496 497 498 501 511 E-530 PRD-1

Campaign Form Details

Form 400: Statement of Organization (Slate Mailer Organization)
Filer: Slate mailer organization (SMO)
Purpose: This registration statement (for slate mailer organizations) is used to issue ID#'s and identify individuals who control the selection of candidates or measures included in slate mailers. This form is also used to update base record registration information.
Period Covered: SMO's must register within 10 days of receiving a promise or payment of $500 or more for the purpose of producing one or more slate mailers.
Form 401: Slate Mailer Organization Campaign Statement
Filer: Slate mailer organization (SMO)
Purpose: This disclosure statement is used to disclose payments made or received from persons for the purpose of supporting or opposing candidates or measures in a slate mailer. This form also identifies each candidate or measure included in the slate mailer for which the SMO did not receive a payment.
Period Covered: SMO's are subject to pre-election statements (whenever they receive or spend $500 or more during a pre-election period to produce a slate mailer) and semi-annual statements regardless of activity.
Form 402: Statement of Termination (Slate Mailer Organization)
Filer: Slate mailer organization (SMO)
Purpose: This statement is used to terminate the filer's ongoing filing obligations.
Period Covered: The Statement of Termination can be filed at any time when the SMO is no longer active, has filed all required campaign statements, and anticipates no further activity.
Form 409: Limited Liability Company (LLC) Statement of Members
Filer: An LLC that qualifies as a committee or a committee sponsor.
Purpose: The statement must disclose all members who have a membership interest in an LLC that qualifies as a committee or a committee sponsor of at least 10% or who have made a cumulative capital contribution of at least $10,000 to the LLC within the 12 months prior to qualification as a committee or sponsor of a committee, as well as other detailed information.
Period Covered: The period covered varies across filer types and filing requirements, depending on the amount, level and type of activity.
Form 410: Statement of Organization
Filer: Recipient committees
Purpose: This committee registration statement is used to obtain an ID# and identifies the purpose of the committee. Candidates use this form to report bank account information. The cover page of this form is used to terminate the committee's filing status. This form is also used to update base record registration information.
Period Covered: Filers must register within 10 days of receiving aggregate contributions of $2,000 or more in a calendar year to support or oppose California state and/or local candidates, measures, and PAC's. A committee, which qualifies during the 16 days before an election, (in which it would be subject to pre-election statements) incurs 24-hr. filing requirements. When filing the Form 410, include a $50 payment made payable to the Secretary of State. If your committee has not yet reached the $2,000 threshold, mark the “not yet qualified” box. The $50 fee is requested at this time but is not legally required until the group qualifies as a committee.
Form 410 Supplemental Instructions: For Multipurpose Organizations Including Nonprofits
Form 425: Semi-Annual Statement of No Activity
Filer: This form is used by any recipient committee (excluding candidate controlled campaign committees) which has no activity during the subject 6-month filing period.
Purpose: This semi-annual statement is used to declare that no contributions and no expenditures have been received or made during a 6-month reporting period.
Period Covered: This statement covers only a six-month period for either the first or second half of the calendar year.
Form 450: Recipient Committee Campaign Statement (Short Form)
Filer: This form is used by recipient committees (excluding candidate controlled campaign committees) which have no receipts of $100 or more and no outstanding loans or accrued expenses.
Purpose: This statement is used to disclose contributions and independent expenditures, as well as the filer's total financial activity, for various periodic reports in lieu of the longer Form 460. This form is also used as an amendment.
Period Covered: The period covered varies across filer types and filing requirements, depending on the amount, level and type of activity.
Form 460: Recipient Committee Campaign Statement
Filer: All recipient committees.
Purpose: This statement is used to disclose receipts and expenditures, as well as the filer's total financial activity, for various periodic reports. This form is also used as an amendment to update missing or incorrect information.
Period Covered: The period covered varies across filer types and filing requirements, depending on the amount, level and type of activity.
Supplement Form 460 Instructions: For Multipurpose Organizations Including Nonprofits
Form 461: Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement
Filer: Major donor committees (which make contributions of $10,000 or more in a calendar year) and independent expenditure committees (which make independent expenditures of $1,000 or more in a calendar year to influence our local and state elections)
Purpose: This statement is used to disclose contributions and independent expenditures for various periodic reports, as well as the business interests of the filer. This form is also used as an amendment.
Period Covered: The period covered varies in connection with different filing requirements, depending on the amount, level and type of activity.
Supplement Form 461 Instructions: For Multipurpose Organizations Including Nonprofits
Form 462: Verification of Independent Expenditures
Filer: Principal officer, candidate, officeholder or ballot measure proponent affiliated with or controlling committees making independent expenditures
Purpose: This verification statement confirms that independent expenditures made to support or oppose candidates or ballot measures are not coordinated with affected candidates or measure committees, and confirms disclosure of all contributions and reimbursements to the committee making independent expenditures as required by law.
Period Covered: Due within 10 days of the date on which aggregate independent expenditures total $1,000 to support or oppose a candidate or ballot measure in a calendar year. This form is filed with the Fair Political Practices Commission by email only with the original retained in the committee's campaign records. Additional information available online at
Period Covered: Period covered on late statement or report.
Form 470: Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement Short Form - and - Form 470 Supplement
Filer: Any candidate or officeholder who does not have a controlled committee and who does not intend to raise or spend $2,000 or more in a calendar year
Purpose: This statement is used to declare that the candidate/officeholder has no intention of receiving or spending $2,000 or more in a calendar year.
Period Covered: Calendar year
Form 496: Late Independent Expenditure Report (LIE)
Filer: All filer types (except SMO's)
Purpose: This statement is used to disclose independent expenditures of $1,000 or more to support or oppose a single candidate or a single measure in the jurisdiction of the election during the 90 days before an election. If this 90 day late independent expenditure is required to be reported to the Secretary of State, the report shall be by online or electronic transmission only. Otherwise, this report must be submitted, pursuant to local requirements, electronically, on paper or by fax to the appropriate filing officer. This report is also used to disclose contributions received by the filer after the closing date of the last campaign statement on file through the date of the independent expenditure, or contributions received from January 1 through the date of the independent expenditure, if no previous campaign statement has been filed.
Period Covered: This report must be filed on the next business day following the date of the independent expenditure, unless the expenditure occurs on the Friday or weekend day before Election Day, in which case the report must be filed within 24 hours.
Supplement Form 496 Instructions: For Multipurpose Organizations Including Nonprofits
Form 497: Late Contribution Report (LCR)
Filer: All filer types (except SMO's)
Purpose: This statement is used to disclose cumulative contributions of $1,000 or more that are made by the committee or received from a single source during the 90 days before an election, or cumulative contributions of $5,000 received from a single source at any other time before the 90 day period before an election begins. If this contribution report must be reported to the Secretary of State, the report shall be by online or electronic transmission only. Otherwise, this report must be submitted, pursuant to local requirements, electronically, on paper or by fax to the appropriate filing officer. State candidate and ballot measure committees also use this form to disclose the receipt of cumulative contributions of $5,000 or more at any time prior to the 90 day period before or on Election Day. This form is also used as an amendment.
Period Covered: This report must be filed on the next business day following the date that $1,000 in cumulative contributions from a single source are received, or contributions totaling $1,000 are made; unless the total contribution(s) are made or received on the Friday or weekend day before Election Day, in which case the report must be filed within 24 hours. The $5,000 online report must be filed within 10 business days.
Form 498: Slate Mailer Late Payment Report (LPR)
Filer: Slate mailer organization (SMO)
Purpose: This report is used to disclose late payments (received) of $2,500 or more from a single source to support or oppose candidates and/or measures in a slate mailer during the 16 days before an election. If this late payment report must be reported to the Secretary of State, the report shall be by online or electronic transmission only. Otherwise, this report must be submitted on paper or by fax to the appropriate filing officer. This report is subject to additional electronic filing requirements and is also used as an amendment.
Period Covered: This report must be filed within 24 hours for electronic filing and paper/fax requirements.
Form 501: Candidate Intention Statement
Filer: Candidates
Purpose: This statement is used to declare one's intention to run for a specific office and also used by state candidates to accept or reject the voluntary state spending limits. This form is used (by state candidates) to accept the state spending limits in the general election, if they have not exceeded the limits in the primary election. This form is also used to notify the SOS when they have received personal contributions in excess of the spending limits. The SOS posts state-level 501's on their website.
Period Covered: This form must be filed before the receipt of any contribution or before the expenditure of personal funds for qualifying campaign expenses.
Form 511: Paid Spokesperson Report
Filer: A committee that makes a payment of $5,000 or more to a spokesperson
Purpose: This report is used to disclose payments made to paid spokespersons in connection with ads to promote ballot measures. This form is also used as an amendment.
Period Covered: This report must be filed within 10 days of making an aggregate payment of $5,000 or more to a paid spokesperson for any ballot measure ad.
Form E-530: Communications Identifying Candidates/Issue Advocacy - State Candidates
Filer: Any person who engages in communications that are deemed "issue advocacy," as defined below
Purpose: This online-only form is used by anyone spending or promising to pay $50,000 or more for a communication disseminated within 45 days of an election that identifies or features a state candidate, but does not expressly advocate the candidate's election or defeat. If the person filing the report receives payment, or promise of payment, of $5,000 or more from any one source for the purpose of funding such a communication, this form is also used to disclose additional information about the funding source(s).
Period Covered: The requirements for this form occur within 45 days of an election. Specifically, the form must be filed within 48 hours of the payment being made or promised.
Form PRD-1 (PDF): Request For Waiver Of Liability
Filer: Filer who has been fined by the Secretary of State for any late campaign or lobbying statement.
Purpose: A request for waiver of liability must be submitted on a Form PRD-1 (PDF). The Secretary of State will consider a request to waive liability for late filing fines when we can conclude both that the late filing was not willful and that imposing the liability will not further the purposes of the Political Reform Act. (See Government Code section 91013.) This form must be filed under penalty of perjury within 30 days of receiving a liability notification.
Period Covered: The same period as the filed quarterly disclosure report which has been fined.