The Secretary of State is required to submit reports to the California State Legislature and to the federal government on a number of the Agency's programs.
Here is a list of those reports submitted by program area since 2006.
If you wish to receive any of these reports in hard copy, please contact the Secretary of State's office at (916) 653-7244.
- Secretary of State Mid-Year Voter Engagement Report
- California Secretary of State, Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D is pleased to announce the agency’s first mid-year voter engagement report, highlighting our collective voter education and outreach efforts through year 2023. We invite you to explore how the SOS is serving California voters, and engaging the largest and most diverse voting population in the nation. We encourage you to join us in these efforts.
- Behested Payments to State Officials
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) any behested payments made on his or her behalf principally for legislative, governmental or charitable purposes pursuant to Government Code section 82015 and FPPC Regulation 18215.3; behested payment reports are also available on the FPPC website at
- Business Filing Processing Time
- The Secretary of State is required to report monthly to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Department of Finance on the progress made in reducing the time it takes to process business filings.
- CAL-ACCESS Replacement System Project (CARS)
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Legislature on the Agency’s plan to replace the California Automated Lobby And Campaign Contribution and Expenditure Search System (CAL- ACCESS) and is required to report each quarter on the progress of the Cal-Access replacement project.
- California Business Connect
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of the Legislature each quarter on the progress of the California Business Connect project.
- California's Centralized Voter Registration Database Upgrade (VoteCal) Assembly Bill 2951 Chapter 424 (Statutes of 2024)
- California New Motor Voter Program
- The California Secretary of State, in consultation with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Motor Voter Task Force, is required to report to the Legislature each year on the effectiveness of the “California New Motor Voter Program.”
- California Students Vote Project (SVP)
- The California Secretary of State is required to report to the Legislature each year on the evaluation results of the Students Vote Project program.
- Citizens Redistricting Commission
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Legislature on the Agency's plan to provide assistance to the Citizens Redistricting Commission until such time when the Commission could hire its own staff.
- Flexible Purpose and Benefit Corporations
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Legislature by June 30, 2013, on the status of a new type of corporation, Flexible Purpose Corporations. This report also includes information on another new and similar corporation type, Benefit Corporations.
- Help America Vote Act
- The Secretary of State is required to report annually to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and the Legislature on how the Agency is complying with the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA).
- Online Disclosure Act
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Legislature on the Agency's compliance with the Online Disclosure Act of 1997.
- Post-Election Risk-Limiting Audit Pilot Program
- The Secretary of State is required to report periodically to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), which funded this program, and to the Legislature, which authorized this program.
- Safe At Home, Confidential Address Program
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Legislature each year on the operation of California's "Safe at Home" program.
- September 14, 2021 Gubernatorial Recall Election Costs
- The Secretary of State was required to issue to the Legislature and Department of Finance a one-time report to outline the total costs of the September 14, 2021, Gubernatorial Recall Election.
- State Leadership Accountability Act Reports
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Department of Finance biennially on the review of our systems of internal control and monitoring processes.
- Signature Stamps
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Legislature on the use of signature stamps during one election cycle.
- Student Voter Registration
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Legislature each year on student voter registration efforts undertaken by the Agency.
- Uniform Commercial Code
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Legislature each year on the operations of the Uniform Commercial Code Section of the Agency.
- Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) each year on how the Agency and county elections officials are serving military and overseas voters under the federal Uniformed and Overseas Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA).
- Use of Force
- The Secretary of State is required to report use of force incidents to the Department of Justice, as specified in Government Code Section 12525.2.
- Use of Kinetic Energy Projectiles or Chemical Agents
- The Secretary of State is required to post on its internet website a summary of any incident in which a kinetic energy projectile or chemical agent, as defined in Penal Code Section 13652, is deployed for the purpose of crowd control.
- Voter Information Guide Funds Report
- The Secretary of State was required to issue a one-time report to the Director of Finance and the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee itemizing the estimate of the costs for preparing, printing, and mailing the State Voter Information Guide for the November 8, 2016, General Election.
- Voter Registration Database (VoteCal)
- The Secretary of State is required to report to the Legislature periodically on the progress made toward building a new statewide voter registration database.